There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Council’s Housing-led Regeneration and Renewal Programme which aimed to deliver modern, high quality, energy efficient, affordable Council housing that would not only significantly enhance the Council’s housing stock but also contribute to the wider transformation of Renfrewshire as a place and be central to the economic and social recovery of Renfrewshire.
The report stated that the Council’s Housing-led Regeneration and Renewal Programme would be progressed as a key Council priority, designed to deliver maximum benefits for local communities, with the active involvement of services across the Council. Reference was made within the report to the decision taken at the meeting of the Council held on 17 December 2020 to approve funding from the Housing Revenue Account to provide in excess of £100m of investment in the regeneration of Council housing over the next ten-year period. Phase 1 of the proposed Programme involved the delivery of modern, high quality, energy efficient, affordable Council housing in eight areas in Renfrewshire. It was highlighted that a further report to the meeting of this Policy Board held on 18 May 2021 had subsequently authorised the Director of Communities & Housing Services to consult on regeneration and investment proposals with Council tenants, residents, and private owners in the eight regeneration areas. Feedback from the extensive consultation exercise undertaken across the eight areas was provided and highlighted where changes had been made to proposals following this consultation. Authority was now sought to proceed with the implementation of the plans, subject to further targeted consultation with residents in properties where there had been amendments to the original proposals.
(a) That the feedback received from tenants, residents, owners and local communities during the consultation period be noted and that it also be noted that, where necessary, the initial proposals had been amended to incorporate the feedback received, as detailed in section 3 of the report;
(b) That the Director of Communities & Housing Services be authorised to undertake the necessary processes to implement the proposals within the regeneration and renewal strategy for the eight areas as detailed in appendix 1, subject to targeted consultation of residents of properties which had been impacted by amendments made to the initial proposals;
(c) That the rehousing options for tenants, detailed within the report, be agreed and that it also be agreed that where tenants, in areas where demolition and newbuild was approved, moved on a temporary basis, they retain the rehousing rights and be prioritised for rehousing as if they were still living in that property;
(d) That it be agreed that rehousing priority and home-loss and disturbance payments, as appropriate and subject to qualification criteria, be awarded to tenants as detailed in section 5 of the report;
(e) That it be agreed that the phasing of rehousing be determined by the Director of Communities & Housing Services, taking account of the availability of alternative housing and security issues, as well as investment, demolition and redevelopment timescales;
(f) That it be agreed that where the Director of Communities & Housing Services considered that, in the interests of safety, security and to facilitate the regeneration programme, demolition of properties should proceed, any tenants who had been temporarily moved be offered secure tenancies of that property;
(g) That the Director of Communities & Housing Services be authorised to develop detailed plans for new-build Council housing through redevelopment of land which was cleared following demolition of the properties highlighted in Appendix 1 if this was found to be suitable for housing development; and
(h) That the Director of Communities & Housing Services be authorised to seek the consent of Scottish Ministers as required.