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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board
26 Oct 2021 - 13:00 to 15:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



Standard Items
Hybrid Meeting
Please note that this meeting is scheduled to be held in the Council Chambers.  However, it is a hybrid meeting and arrangements have been made for members to join the meeting remotely should they wish
Recording of Meeting

This meeting will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Convener will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.   The cameras focus on the main participants.  If you have any queries regarding this please contact Committee Services on 07934714023.  To find the webcast please navigate to

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Convener intimated that this meeting of the Board would be webcast live on the Council's website.

Thereafter the Clerk undertook a roll call of members in attendance at the meeting, indicating those in the Council Chamber and those participating remotely.
Section 1 Heading
Section 1
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Councillor Hood declared a non-financial interest in respect of agenda item 14 – Housing Allocations: Housing Rule 2.5 - and intimated that it was his intention to leave the meeting and to take no part in any discussion or voting thereon. 
Minute of the Meeting of the Police and Fire & Rescue Services Scrutiny Sub-committee held on 17 August 2021.
There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Sub-committee held on 17 August 2021, which forms the Appendix to this Minute.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.
Section 2 Heading
Section 2
Report by Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a Housing Revenue Account, Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources for the period 1 April to 17 September 2021.

The report stated that the projected outturn as at 31 March 2022 for all services reporting to this Policy Board was an overspend position of £0.060 million.  The projected capital outturn as at 31 March 2022 for projects reporting to this Policy Board was a breakeven position against the revised budget for the year. Summaries were provided for the relevant services in the tables within the report, together with further analysis.  It was noted that for financial year 2021/22 the projected outturn position was split into core and Covid-19 related variances to assist understanding of the impact of the pandemic on service finances. It was highlighted that revenue budget adjustments totalling £0.128 million, comprising Government funding of £0.336 million for the Summer of Play project and savings of £0.208 million within the Developing Communities and Placeshaping section arising from the Right for Renfrewshire initiative had been processed since consideration of the previous report. In addition, the report stated that capital budget changes totalling £3.390 million had arisen which reflected budget carry forward from 2021/2022 to 2022/23 in respect of the Improvements to Existing Properties budget heading.  The report detailed the reasons for the re-profiling.


(a) That the projected Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Revenue outturn position, detailed in table 1 of the report, be noted;



(b) That the projected Capital outturn position, detailed in table 2 of the report, be noted; and 

(c) That the budget adjustments, detailed in sections 4 and 6 of the report, be noted.

Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Greenspaces, Parks & Play Areas and Villages Investment Fund.

The report indicated that in the current application round three applications, from Friends of Jenny’s Well, Klas Care Linwood and Inchinnan Community and Social Association, full details of which were provided in Appendix 1 of the report, had been assessed and met the criteria for approval of grant funding. Details of fund allocations and balances were also provided.

In addition, the report detailed a number of examples of communities and community groups that had become more active and engaged in improving and developing their local environment, local communities and green spaces, building community capacity and engagement at a local level. Information was also provided in respect of funding being targeted at school’s eco-groups to help them develop environmental projects in their local communities linked to the COP26 Climate Change Summit. It was noted that the lead officer for the Villages Investment Fund programme would attend the next meetings of the Villages and the Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton & Langbank Local Partnerships to highlight the work carried out to date and that there was around £110,000 currently available within the fund for further projects.


(a) That the work currently being undertaken to support communities as they developed projects to be funded using the Greenspaces, Parks & Play Areas and Villages Investment Fund be noted;

(b) That it be agreed that the projects, detailed in section 3 of the report and Appendix 1, be awarded grant funding totalling £58,000 to support community groups; and

(c) That £70,000 be allocated to support delivery of environmental projects developed by eco-groups within local schools in line with the aspirations of COP26 and £40,000 be allocated to support local projects and improvements being championed by Team Up to Clean Up volunteers as detailed in Section 4 of the report. 
Report by Chief Executive.
  1. pdf CEFfinal (281Kb)
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to applications received for funding from the Community Empowerment Fund in the 16th round of funding. The total value of requested grant funding during the current round of funding was £200,000.

A cross-service panel of officers had been established to review and assess applications to the Community Empowerment Fund against agreed objectives and criteria. The report outlined the key objectives and aims of the Fund and indicated that one new application had been received in the current round of funding and considered, together with two deferred applications. A summary of the application for funding from Thorn Athletic Community Trust was provided. 

DECIDED: That the Board approve the recommendation, as detailed in Section 4 of the report and Appendix 1, to award £50,000 to Thorn Athletic Community Trust to upgrade facilities at the McMaster Sports Centre, Johnstone.
Section 3 Heading
Section 3
Report by Chief Executive.
  1. pdf CESfinal (508Kb)
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the performance of the Chief Executive’s Service during the period 1 April to 30 September 2021 in relation to the achievements of the Service, implementation of the action plan linked to the 2021/22 Service Delivery Plan, together with an assessment of performance in terms of the service scorecard of core performance indicators and an overview of Service priorities for the next six-month period.

The report advised that as a direct result of the pandemic and the focus on crisis response and recovery, alternative service planning arrangements were in place for 2021/22. Rather than Service Improvement Plans, each Director had submitted a Service Delivery Plan covering a 12-month period. This plan set out the priorities for each service area as it continued to deliver a crisis response where required but also began to build back services and support the Council’s recovery and renewal agenda. The Service Delivery Plan for the Chief Executive’s Service had been approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 16 March 2021.


(i) That the achievements of the Chief Executive’s Services, during the first six months of 2021/22, which fell within the remit of this Policy Board, be noted;

(ii) That it be noted that a mid-year report would be submitted to the meeting of the Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board to be held on 10 November 2021 in respect of service areas falling within the remit of that Policy Board; and 

(iii) That otherwise the report be noted.
Report by Director of Children's Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the performance of Children’s Services during the period 1 April to 30 September 2021 in relation to the achievements of the Service, implementation of the action plan linked to the 2021/22 Service Delivery Plan, together with an assessment of performance in terms of the service scorecard of core performance indicators and an overview of Service priorities for the next six-month period.

The report advised that as a direct result of the pandemic and the focus on crisis response and recovery, alternative service planning arrangements were in place for 2021/22. Rather than Service Improvement Plans, each Director had submitted a Service Delivery Plan covering a 12-month period. This plan set out the priorities for each service area as it continued to deliver a crisis response where required but also began to build back services and support the council’s recovery and renewal agenda. The Service Delivery Plan for Children’s Services had been approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 16 March 2021.


(i) That the achievements of Children’s Services during 2021/22, which fell within the remit of this Policy Board, be noted;

(ii) That it be noted that a mid-year report would be submitted to the meeting of the Education & Children’s Services Policy Board to be held on 28 October 2021 in respect of service areas falling within the remit of that Policy Board; and 

(iii) That otherwise the report be noted.
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the performance of Communities & Housing Services during the period 1 April to 30 September 2021 in relation to the achievements of the Service, implementation of the action plan linked to the 2021/22 Service Delivery Plan, together with an assessment of performance in terms of the service scorecard of core performance indicators and an overview of Service priorities for the next six-month period.

The report advised that as a direct result of the pandemic and the focus on crisis response and recovery, alternative service planning arrangements were in place for 2021/22. Rather than Service Improvement Plans, each Director had submitted a Service Delivery Plan covering a 12-month period. This plan set out the priorities for each service area as it continued to deliver a crisis response where required but also began to build back services and support the council’s recovery and renewal agenda. The Service Delivery Plan for Communities and Housing Services had been approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 16 March 2021


(i) That the achievements of Communities & Housing Services during the first six months of 2021/22, which fell within the remit of this Policy Board, be noted;

(ii) That it be noted that a mid-year report would be submitted to the meeting of the Infrastructure, Land & Environment Policy Board to be held on 3 November 2021 in respect of service areas falling within the remit of that Policy Board; and 

(iii) That otherwise the report be noted.
Section 4 Heading
Section 4
Joint report by Chief Executive and Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Executive and Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Renfrewshire Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2022/27. 

The report indicated that the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP), which detailed how the Council and partners would deliver new affordable homes across Renfrewshire over the next five-year period, and how the delivery of existing projects currently included within the plan would be maximised.  It was noted that funding for affordable housing would be targeted to achieve the objectives contained within Renfrewshire’s Local Housing Strategy and be reviewed and updated annually. The Renfrewshire SHIP 2022/27, a copy of which was appended to the report, had been developed following consultation and took cognisance of projects which were expected to complete, potential slippage and estimates of when new projects could potentially be brought forward. The finalised Plan incorporated the issues raised via the comments received during the consultation process. Details of the Future Resource Planning Assumptions for the period 2021/26 were also provided.  It was noted that, subject to approval, the Renfrewshire SHIP 2022/27 would be submitted to the Scottish Government.


(a) That the Renfrewshire Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2022/27 be approved; and 

(b) That it be noted that the Renfrewshire Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2022/27 would be submitted to the Scottish Government.
Joint report by Chief Executive and Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Executive and Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Renfrewshire Local Housing Strategy 2016/21 annual update for 2021, a copy of which was appended to the report. 

The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) outlined the strategic vision for housing and housing-related services in Renfrewshire and sought to provide clear direction for strategic housing investment. The LHS linked with other key plans and strategies including the Local Development Plan, Our Renfrewshire - Renfrewshire’s Community Plan 2017/27 and the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan. The report highlighted key achievements and progress, during the previous 12-month period, in the delivery of identified outcomes and actions within the Renfrewshire LHS.

The report also outlined the work being undertaken and anticipated timeline for preparation of the draft Local Housing Strategy 2022/27. 

DECIDED: That the progress in implementing the actions of the Renfrewshire Local Housing Strategy 2016/21 be noted.
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the annual Housing Performance Benchmarking Report 2020/21, a copy of which was appended to the report, and which had been submitted to the Scottish Housing Regulator during May 2021. 

The report provided information and analysis on the Council’s performance during 2020/21 in relation to key Housing Charter indicators, such as tenant satisfaction, housing quality and maintenance, customer and landlord relationship, estate management, anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance, tenant disputes, homelessness, rents and services charges. Comparative information was provided in respect of other local authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs). 

DECIDED: That the Council’s performance during 2020/21, in relation to key Housing Charter indicators, compared to other Social Landlords be noted.
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the 2021/22 Half-Year Update report on Scottish Social Housing Charter Performance.

The report advised that local authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) required to submit an annual return relating to their performance to the Scottish Housing Regulator, by the end of May each year. The report indicated that the Renfrewshire Council 2021/22 Half-Year Update on Scottish Social Housing Charter Performance, a copy of which was appended to the report, provided information in relation to performance in terms of the Charter indicators during the first six months of 2021/22, together with comparative data for the previous three-year period and key management information.  It was highlighted that the annual Housing Performance Benchmarking Report 2020/21, considered at item 8 of this Minute, provided performance information for 2020/21 in comparison with other Scottish local authorities and social landlords.

DECIDED: That the Renfrewshire Council 2021/22 Half-Year Update Social Housing Charter Performance Report, a copy of which was attached as Appendix 1 of the report, be noted.
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Annual Assurance Statement 2021 which the Council required to submit to the Scottish Housing Regulator in terms of the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Framework for the Regulation of Social Housing in Scotland.

The report referred to the regular reports submitted to this Policy Board on housing services performance and benchmarking which demonstrated continuing strong performance across most areas of the housing service during 2020/21 and identified areas for improvement. Reference was made to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on housing services and highlighted areas where it had not been possible to achieve full compliance as a result of the pandemic. Appendix 1 of the report detailed the Regulator’s Framework requirements for all local authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and provided evidence to demonstrate Renfrewshire Council’s compliance. A copy of the proposed Annual Assurance Statement 2021 for Renfrewshire Council was attached as Appendix 2 of the report, for approval.

The Director of Communities & Housing Services advised that the report indicated that there were no Health & Safety Executive (HSE) reportable incidents.  However, since publication, the Service had been advised that a reportable incident had occurred at a Council property.  This had been reported to HSE, as required, who would investigate. The matter had also been posted on the portal of the Scottish Housing Regulator. It was highlighted that the Annual Assurance Statement 2021, Appendix 2 of the Report, would be amended accordingly prior to it being signed by the Convener.


(a) That the regulatory requirements and evidence of Renfrewshire Council’s compliance, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, be noted; and

(b) That the Renfrewshire Council Annual Assurance Statement 2021, Appendix 2 of the report, be approved for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator subject to amendment as indicated by the Director in the verbal update provided at the meeting.
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Draft Renfrewshire Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2021/24.

The report stated that the Anti-social Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 required local authorities and the Chief Constable of Police Scotland to produce a strategy for dealing with anti-social behaviour. The Renfrewshire Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Strategy was aligned to the National Framework ‘Promoting Positive Outcomes: Working together to Prevent Antisocial Behaviour in Scotland’ and the associated four pillars of prevention, early intervention, enforcement, and rehabilitation.

The Draft Renfrewshire Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2021/24, a copy of which was appended to the report, had been developed with a range of statutory, voluntary and community partners whilst taking account of legislative requirements.  The report sought approval to undertake consultation in relation to the draft ASB strategy and it was noted that it was anticipated that the finalised ASB Strategy would be submitted for consideration to the meeting of this Policy Board to be held on 18 January 2022.

The outcomes and priorities detailed within the Draft Renfrewshire Strategy 2021/24 had been developed based on evidence, such as complaints reported through various channels and consultation via the Renfrewshire Public Services Panel.  A copy of the Action Plan was also provided at Appendix 2 of the report, and reflected improvement actions that had been identified during the course of the review. It was highlighted that the Action Plan had been informed by consultation with stakeholders. 


(a) That the draft Renfrewshire Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2021/24 be approved for consultation;

(b) That the proactive approach being adopted by a range of statutory, voluntary and community partners to tackle anti-social behaviour within Renfrewshire be noted;

(c) That the action plan developed following the review of policy and procedures be noted; and

(d) That it be agreed that an annual update on the progress of the Anti-social Behaviour Strategy and delivery of the Action Plan would be submitted to this Policy Board.
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Tenant Hardship Grant Fund.

The report advised that the Scottish Government had launched a £10 million grant fund to support private and social rented tenants who had incurred rent arrears in the period 23 March 2020 to 9 August 2021 as a direct result of the Coronavirus pandemic.  Renfrewshire Council had been awarded £225,000 of this funding with the objective of preventing homelessness and sustaining tenancies by directly reducing, alleviating or paying off rent arrears altogether, where a tenant was in either the social or private sector, and had faced difficulties due to Coronavirus.  The Renfrewshire allocation comprised £214,000 for use as grant funding and £11,000 for administration costs.


(a) That the award of £225,000 from the Scottish Government in relation to the Tenant Hardship Grant Fund be accepted;

(b) That authority be delegated to the Director of Communities & Housing Services, in consultation with the Director of Finance & Resources, to administer and distribute the funds for Renfrewshire residents in line with the Scottish Government Guidance and the relevant Financial Regulations; and 

(c) That it be noted that monitoring reports on the delivery of the Fund would be submitted to the Scottish Government and this Policy Board.

Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.





Under reference to Item 12 of the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 13 May 2021 there was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to compulsory home insurance and providing an overview of the Renfrewshire Council Home Insurance Scheme available to all tenants.

The report advised that in accordance with the decision taken at the meeting of the Council held on 13 May 2021 relating to the notice of motion in connection with compulsory home insurance the Council had written to the Scottish and UK Governments with a view to introducing legislation making home insurance compulsory for all households.  It was highlighted that at present home contents insurance was not mandatory within the UK, and there were currently no plans to amend existing legislation to do so. A copy of the response from HM Treasury was appended to the report. No response had, as yet, been received from the Scottish Government however it was noted that there were no proposals relating to Home Insurance included within the Scottish Parliament’s current programme of legislative changes.  Renfrewshire Council offered a low-cost home contents insurance scheme, provided by Aviva Insurance Limited, to all Council tenants. The scheme was optional, and all new tenants were made aware of the scheme, however, there was a low up-take with tenants opting for other insurance schemes or continuing without insurance. Currently 6% of tenants were Renfrewshire Council Home Contents Insurance Scheme policyholders.  Information relating to the current scheme, which came into effect on 1 January 2020 following a tender exercise, was included within the new tenant information pack and on the Council’s website.  It was noted that further opportunities for promotion of the scheme were being investigated. It was further noted that policies remained in place from the date of commencement as long as tenants continued to pay the premiums. In this way tenants, when signed up at the outset of their tenancy or in the course of their current tenancy, did not require to take further action to safeguard their cover, other than maintaining payments, which were deducted directly from the tenants' rent account. In the event payment of a premium was missed, contact was made with the tenant and advice and support in relation to payment issues was provided by Housing Services staff.  Tenants were also made aware that their insurance cover might be at risk.


DECIDED: That the current home contents insurance scheme available to Council tenants and the steps being taken to further promote the scheme be noted.

Submit intimation by the Director of Communities & Housing
Services in terms of Housing Rule 2.5, which requires all
housing allocations which involve either (i) Council members or
their immediate families or (ii) members of staff of the Housing
Services Division or their immediate families to be notified to the relevant Policy Board.


Size: Bedsit
Allocated to Son of Councillor.


Size 2 Bedroom
Allocated to brother of employee within Housing Services


Size 1 Bedroom
Allocated to mother of employee within Housing Services

There were submitted intimations by the Director of Communities & Housing Services in terms of Housing Rule 2.5, which required all housing allocations which involved either (i) Council members or their immediate families or (ii) members of staff of the Housing Services Division or their immediate families to be notified to the relevant Policy Board.

DECIDED: That the intimations be noted.
Section 5 Heading
Community Justice
Section 5
Report by Director of Children's Services.
  1. pdf CJReport (748Kb)
There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the Community Justice Renfrewshire Annual Report 2020/21, a copy of the template for which, was appended to the report.

The report advised that the Renfrewshire Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan (CJOIP) 2018/21, published on 1 April 2018, had outlined how the Community Justice Renfrewshire Partnership would reduce re-offending locally. The document also highlighted key local priorities, which had been identified through needs assessment and interaction with stakeholders and national priorities which required to be reported against and were contained within the National Strategy for Community Justice and the Outcomes, Performance and Improvement Framework.

The report indicated that Renfrewshire’s CJOIP had been due to be updated by April 2021, however in recognition of the impact of the pandemic on taking forward actions, it had been agreed by Community Justice Scotland (CJS) that Plans due for submission in 2021 could continue until 31 December 2021. During May 2021, the Scottish Government (SG) and CJS had issued a joint statement in relation to the review of the National Strategy for Community Justice and Review of the Outcomes, Performance, and Improvement Framework. This was planned for March 2022. Given that local authorities required to review their CJOIPs after the publication of these frameworks it had been advised that it was pragmatic for local authorities in this position to delay publication. On that basis it was proposed that Renfrewshire utilised this time to develop its CJOIP for 2022/25. 

The Community Justice Renfrewshire Annual Report, covering the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, required to be published and submitted to Community Justice Scotland by 15 October 2021.  The template for the annual report had been produced by Community Justice Scotland to assist local partnerships to capture a range of data in a way that allowed local partners to highlight key aspects of community justice activities, outcomes and improvements over the specified period without it being onerous or time/resource demanding.  It was highlighted that meeting operational demands and statutory requirements during the pandemic had been prioritised by services to manage risk and meet need and that the post of Renfrewshire Council’s Lead Officer for Community Justice had been vacant since September 2020, creating challenges in co-ordinating community justice activities.


(a) That the Reporting Template for the Community Justice Renfrewshire Annual Report 2020/21, a copy of which was appended to the report, be approved; 

(b) That it be noted that the Community Justice Renfrewshire Annual Report Template 2019/20 required to be published by 15 October 2021 and thereafter submitted to Community Justice Scotland;

(c) That the Criminal Justice Services Manager be authorised to make minimal
changes to the report if required, prior to publication; and 

(d) That it be agreed that the Renfrewshire Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan for 2018/21, be updated in March 2022, for 2022/25 following the review of the National Strategy for Community Justice and Outcomes, Performance and Improvement Framework.
Section 6 Heading
Community Learning & Development
Section 6
Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the Get into Summer initiative.

The report stated that the Scottish Government had committed £20 million for the provision of activities during the 2021 summer holiday period to improve the wellbeing of children and young people particularly impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. CoSLA Leaders had approved the allocation of £15 million of this funding to Local Authorities to enhance local delivery. 

Renfrewshire Council had been allocated £436,000 of this funding, which had been used to deliver a highly successful programme of activities for children, families and young people, and encouraged them to reconnect with their environment, communities and peers following the periods of isolation that were required during lockdown.  The report noted the multi-agency, universal and targeted work developed and delivered across Renfrewshire throughout the summer holiday period as part of the National Get into Summer initiative. A copy of the final detailed evaluation report submitted to the Scottish Government was appended to the report.


(a) That the ambitious and successful Summer of Play programme developed and delivered in Renfrewshire during the summer of 2021, as detailed in section 3 of the report, be noted; and 

(b) That the comprehensive evaluation report submitted to the Scottish Government, in compliance with the required submission date of 24 September 2021, a copy of which was appended to the report, be noted.
Section 7 Heading
Community Safety & Public Protection
Section 7

Report by Director of Communities & Housing Services.




Under reference to Item 2 of the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 30 September 2021 there was submitted a report by the Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to the draft Renfrewshire Water Safety Policy.

The report detailed work undertaken to date to formalise water safety action across Renfrewshire and a copy of the draft Renfrewshire Water Safety Policy was appended to the report. The policy related to all waterways across Renfrewshire and focused on Background/legislation, Renfrewshire Incidents, Council responsibilities, Private Landowner responsibilities, Renfrewshire Water Safety Working Group, Education, Suicide Prevention, Public Rescue Equipment (PRE), Risk Assessments and Renfrewshire Council commitment to Water Safety.  It was highlighted that consultation would be undertaken in respect of the draft Policy, design arrangements made to enable the Policy to be easy to read and follow and that the proposed final Policy would be submitted to the next meeting of this Policy Board for consideration.


(a) That the report and work undertaken so far to formalise arrangements to support water safety across Renfrewshire be noted; 

(b) That the content of the draft Water Safety Policy for Renfrewshire be noted; and 

(c) That arrangements be made to submit the finalised Water Safety Policy for Renfrewshire for consideration to the next meeting of this Policy Board.
Section 8 Heading
Development Management & Planning
Section 8
Report by Chief Executive.
Under reference to Item 8 of the Minute of the meeting of this Policy Board held on 19 January 2021 there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to a change to the location of a small area of land to be disposed of to SP Distribution plc (SPD) for the formation of a sub-station in the Tannahill area of Ferguslie Park. 

The report advised that this Policy Board had previously approved the sale of land to SPD to allow construction of a new substation which was required to provide power to new Council homes currently under construction. Subsequently SPD had requested a change to the location of the substation resulting from detailed design and technical requirements and a copy of location plan, ESC 94032-(1)-002 Revision Plan, identifying the land involved was appended to the report.  Approval was sought for the disposal of the land at the revised location in substitution for the originally proposed location. It was highlighted that all other terms and conditions remained as detailed in the report approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 19 January 2021.


(a) That the substitution of the plan ESC 94032-(1)-002 Revision B for the plan appended to the report on this matter submitted and approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 19 January 2021 be confirmed;

(b) That it be noted that the area of land declared surplus for the formation of the
substation had been relocated slightly, as outlined in red on the plan appended to the report; 

(c) That it be noted that the associated servitude routes had been amended to accord with the new location for the substation; and 

(d) That it be noted that the completion of the sale of the land to SPD would be completed on the terms detailed in the report approved at the meeting of this Policy Board held on 9 January 2021, apart from the location of the substation.
Report by Chief Executive.

There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the annual Renfrewshire Development Plan Scheme 2021, a copy of which was appended to the report.

The report stated that the Development Plan Scheme 2021 detailed the programme for preparation and review of the Local Development Plan.  The scheme detailed the work required, in terms of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 to prepare the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan 3 and being progressed to inform the preparation of National Planning Framework 4 and a Regional Spatial Strategy for the Glasgow City Region.  It was highlighted that the Renfrewshire Development Plan Scheme 2021 would be submitted to Scottish Ministers and made available to view online.

In addition, the report highlighted that following the publication of National Planning framework 4 and new Development Planning Regulations, which was anticipated to be during 2022, the timetable for preparing the next Local Development Plan for Renfrewshire would be updated. 

DECIDED: That the Renfrewshire Development Plan Scheme 2021 be approved.







Joint report by Chief Executive and Director of Communities & Housing Services.
There was submitted a joint report by the Chief Executive and Director of Communities & Housing Services relative to National Planning Framework 4 preparation and, in particular, the consultation exercise undertaken by the Scottish Government on an updated Minimum All-Tenure Housing Land Requirement for Scotland. 

The report advised that the Scottish Government was currently progressing a detailed work programme to implement the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019. This included the preparation of National Planning Framework 4 along with further regulations, plans and strategies which would support proposals to transform the Scottish planning system. This involved extensive consultation. The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 required the National Planning Framework to include ‘Targets for the use of land in different areas of Scotland for housing’ and in this connection the Scottish Government had written to Local Authority Heads of Planning and Heads of Housing to seek their input on meeting the statutory requirement of the 2019 Act relating to housing. A discussion paper setting out a proposed methodology that could be used for setting targets for housing had been developed, followed by a consultation exercise on Minimum All-Tenure Housing Land Requirements. Officers had prepared and submitted a response on behalf of the Glasgow City Region Housing Market Partnership.  A copy of the response was attached as Appendix 1 of the report.  The consultation response welcomed a consistent approach but raised concerns to such a simplistic approach, which did not go into the detail that housing need and demand assessments required to ensure the housing needs and requirements of communities were identified. It was therefore significant to note that the submitted response was an indicative and conditional initial view as this minimum all-tenure housing land requirement would set the basis for a detailed housing need and demand assessment which would inform and provide a robust evidence base for the preparation of Renfrewshire Local Development Plan 3.

DECIDED: That the recent Scottish Government consultation on Housing Land Requirements to inform the emerging National Planning Framework 4 and the consultation response appended to the report be noted.
Proposal of Application Notices
Proposal of Application Notices are included for members information only. Members should note that the Notices may subsequently come before them for determination as planning applications and as such should consider the guidance contained in the Scottish Government Guidance on the Role of Councillors in Pre-Application Procedures and the Councillors Code of Conduct.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the proposal of application notice 21/1451/PN.

DECIDED: That the key issues identified to date be noted.
Report by Chief Executive.
Planning Applications
Members must deal with planning applications in an objective manner to ensure that they cannot be challenged with accusations of bias or predetermination. Votes on planning applications must be seen to be impartial and not influenced by party political issues.

Reports by Chief Executive.






There were submitted reports by the Chief Executive relative to the following applications for planning permission that required to be determined by the Board.





Report by Head of Economy & Development.
  1. pdf A. 20.0597.PP (466Kb)
Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved that the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report and the applicants entering a Section 75 agreement to build a synthetic training pitch adjacent to the full size 3G pitch at the Mossedge Village and the proposed terms of the agreement being submitted to the Policy Board for approval. This was agreed.

DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report and the applicants entering a Section 75 agreement to build a synthetic training pitch adjacent to the full size 3G pitch at the Mossedge Village and the proposed terms of the agreement being submitted to the Policy Board for approval.
Report by Head of Economy & Development.
  1. pdf B 19.0456.PP (314Kb)
Councillor J McLaren, seconded by Councillor Graham, moved that consideration of the application be continued pending a site visit.  This was agreed.

DECIDED: That consideration of the application be continued pending a site visit.
Report by Head of Economy & Development.
  1. pdf C. 20.0813.LB (240Kb)
Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved that consideration of the application be continued pending a site visit.  This was agreed.

DECIDED: That consideration of the application be continued pending a site visit.
Report by Head of Economy & Development.
  1. pdf D. 21.0034.PP (286Kb)

Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor McNaughtan, moved that the application be refused for the reasons detailed within the report.  This was agreed.

DECIDED: That that the application be refused for the reasons detailed in the report.





Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
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NameReason for Absence
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Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor John Hood14Housing Allocations - Rule 2.5Non-PecuniaryLeft meeting and took no part in discussion/voting


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