There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to a review of the process for handling elected members enquiries and related performance. The report set out a number of proposals, the aim of which was to strengthen the existing process, ensuring that it was more effective and efficient for members and services. The key issues which required to be addressed in consultation with members were consideration of (a) the introduction of a two-stage process for handling elected member enquiries, with low level enquiries continuing to be responded to within the current timescale for responding to member enquiries of five working days. Stage 2 would allow services, if necessary and with the agreement of the relevant member, up to 10 days to investigate complex matters; (b) implementation of a single process and system for recording and monitoring of elected member enquiries with the establishment of a single corporate point of contact; and (c) options for enhancing the information available to elected members, and exploring opportunities for members to self-serve in terms of directing service requests through specific routes rather than via directors.
Consideration was also given to how best use could be made of technology by members; the requirement for consistency across services; difficulties with multi-agency enquiries; whether the procedures operated by Environment & Infrastructure should be the model going forward; managing member expectations; and a possible pilot of any revised process. It was suggested that members take the proposals outlined in the report to their relative political groups to seek views and that the matter be further considered following the summer recess.
(a) That the initial findings of the review be noted; and
(b) That the members take the proposals outlined in the report to their relative political groups, and that the matter be considered further following the summer recess.