Report by Treasurer.
There was submitted a revenue budget monitoring report by the Treasurer in respect of the Joint Committee for the period 1 April to 24 July 2020.
The report intimated that gross expenditure was currently £83,000 underspent and income was currently £109,000 under recovered resulting in a net overspend of £26,000, which was projected to climb to £166,700 due to the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in the closure of the regional park at the end of March 2020. The outdoor spaces had now re-opened but the income generating activities remained closed except for a takeaway café service at Castle Semple which re-opened in July 2020.
At the Joint Committee meeting held on 19 June 2020 it had been agreed that only 50% of the reserves balance of £112,036, held as at 31 March 2020, could be utilised to meet the projected overspend and that any overspend above the value of £56,000 would require to be approved by the Joint Committee.
It was noted that at this stage in the financial year, the projected year-end overspend of £166,700 was above the agreed threshold and the total value of the current reserves balance. The projected outturn was based on no commercial income being generated in 2020/21.
It was currently anticipated that historic project balances would be released in the course of 2020/21 which would also be directed to address the in-year projected deficit. This might result in a position where total project balances, when added to the full general reserve balance of £112,036, would meet the current projected overspend. In this event, any residual reserve balance would require to be returned to requisitioning councils and the report proposed that, in this event, balances were returned in proportion to the requisition payments made in 2020/21.
The report further proposed that if the total of project balances and general reserves were insufficient to meet the actual deficit incurred that funding to address the remaining deficit be provided by requisitioning councils, again in proportion to the requisition payments made n 2020/21.
(a) That the decisions of Inverclyde and Renfrewshire Councils to terminate the agreement governing the Joint Committee with effect from 1 April 2021 be noted; and
(b) That it be agreed that in winding up the Joint Committee, all available reserve and project balances be utilised to address the current year projected deficit, with any residual balance being distributed in proportion to the agreed requisition contributions for 2020/21. In the event that there were insufficient reserve balances to meet the actual deficit incurred, it be agreed that additional funding be provided by requisitioning councils in proportion to the requisition contributions in 2020/21 to address the shortfall.