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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Johnstone and the Villages Local Area Committee
17 Nov 2016 - 18:00 to 19:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Community Representatives
Capability Scotland/Corseland School; Elderslie Community Council; Fitness for Disabled; Greensyde Carers; Howwood Community Council; Howwood Sports & Hobbies Group; Johnstone Black Belt Academy; Johnstone Castle Community Learning Centre; Johnstone Community Council; Johnstone PC Learning Group; Johnstone Seniors Forum; Johnstone Tenants; & Residents’ Association; Kilbarchan Community Council; Lochwinnoch Community Council; Lochwinnoch Elderly Forum; Quarrelton Area Tenants’ & Residents’ Association; Renfrewshire Early Years Forum for the Voluntary Sector; Renfrewshire Visually Impaired Forum; Renfrewshire Walking Network; Renfrewshire Youth Voice; Sandyflats Tenants’ & Residents’ Association; Spateston Residents’ Association; and St Paul’s Church Dramatic Society.
D Wadsworth, Elderslie Community Council; J Anderson, Howwood Sports & Hobbies Group; M Brown, Johnstone Business Consortium; W Dean, Johnstone Community Council; A McBain, Johnstone Seniors Forum; D Fowles, Lochwinnoch Community Council; M Lavery, Quarrelton Tenants’ & Residents’ Association; N McBride, Renfrewshire Early Years Forum; and J Black, Sandyflats Tenants’ & Residents’ Association.
Further Information
This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please either email or telephone 0141 618 7112.
Councillors Bibby, Andy Doig, Gilmour, Hood and I McMillan.
Councillor Gilmour, Convener, presided.
Community Planning Partners
Inspector C Grant, Community Policing (Police Scotland) and M Ferguson, Head of Health & Social Care, Renfrewshire Community Health & Social Care Partnership.
In Attendance
S Allan, Head of Amenity Services (Lead Officer); D McAllion, Data Analytics & Research Manager (Chief Executive’s); D Gillies, Head of Facilities Management and C Robertson, Warden Services Manager (both Community Resources); J Graham, Project Manager (Early Year’s Strategy), E Gordon, Community Learning Officer and J Douglas, Domestic Abuse Groupwork Co-ordinator (all Children’s Services); M Scott, Paisley 2021 Bid Development Manager (Development & Housing Services); and D Low, Senior Committee Services Officer (Local Area Committees) and A McNaughton, Senior Committee Services Officer (both Finance & Resources).
Councillor Andy Doig left the meeting prior to consideration of the following item.
The Convener intimated that Scott Allan was leaving the Council’s service to take a promoted post with Inverclyde Council. On behalf of the LAC, he extended his thanks to Scott for the significant contribution he had made to Johnstone & the Villages LAC and for the advice and assistance he had provided as Lead Officer. The Convener also introduced Diane Gillies, Head of Facilities Management, who would replace Scott as Lead Officer at the next meeting.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Councillors Caldwell and McGee.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated by Members prior to the meeting.
In terms of paragraph 2.2 of Renfrewshire Council's Scheme of Decentralisation, Lochwinnoch Community Council has intimated that their nominee will be David Fowles.
The Senior Committee Services Officer (Local Area Committees) advised that, in terms of paragraph 2.2 of Renfrewshire Council’s Scheme of Decentralisation, Lochwinnoch Community Council had intimated the appointment of David Fowles as their representative.

DECIDED: That the intimation from Lochwinnoch Community Council be noted
Report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (RHSCP) relative to the formation of the HSCP in terms of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014; the development of a performance framework for the HSCP; and the development of new projects in the community to improve health.

It was proposed that a report be submitted to the next meeting relative to the provision of health and social care services for older people and the funding available to deliver these services. This was agreed.


(a) That the report be noted; and

(b) That a report be submitted to the next meeting relative to the provision of health and social care services for older people and the funding available to deliver these services.
Report by the Director of Community Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources providing a progress update on Renfrewshire Community Safety Partnership activities carried out in the Johnstone & The Villages Local Area Committee (LAC) area during the period 1 April to 30 September 2016.

The report provided information pertinent to this LAC area on community safety statistics; environmental enforcement and improvement activities; protecting vulnerable residents; building safer communities; diversionary activities; and a spotlight on adult protection.

It was proposed that the next Community Safety & Public Protection update report include information relative to recent incidences of youth disorder that had caused damage to public parks and play equipment. This was agreed.


(a) That the report be noted; and

(b) That the next Community Safety & Public Protection update report include information relative to recent incidences of youth disorder that had caused damage to public parks and play equipment.

In response to a question submitted by J Anderson, Howwood Sports and Hobbies Club, the Head of Amenity Services provided an update in relation to the re-instatement of services at rural civic amenity sites.

DECIDED: That the information be noted.

Presentation by the Head of Childcare and Criminal Justice, Children's Services.
The Convener intimated that the presenter had been taken ill and proposed that this presentation be postponed to the next meeting. This was agreed.

DECIDED: That the presentation be postponed to the next meeting.
Report by the Director of Community Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to progress to address road safety concerns pertaining to the A737 trunk road at Howwood and Lochwinnoch.

The report advised that a meeting had taken place between Transport Scotland and representatives of this LAC on 27 September 2016 at which Transport Scotland agreed to investigate the possibility of installing temporary CCTV at the Howwood junction to monitor traffic conditions. Police Scotland would be asked to carry out speed monitoring and Renfrewshire Council would conduct an analysis of accidents on the stretch of A737 between St James Interchange and Lochwinnoch. A further meeting would be arranged once all information was available.

DECISION: That progress to address road safety concerns pertaining to the A737 trunk road be noted.
Presentation by the Data Analytics and Research Manager, Chief Executive's.
D McAllion, Data Analytics & Research Manager, gave a presentation on the publication of SIMD 16 which compared overall deprivation of small areas; compared the seven domains of deprivation; compared the proportion of small areas in a council that were very deprived; found areas where many people experienced multiple deprivation; and found areas of greater need for support and intervention.

DECIDED: That the presentation be noted.
Report by the Director of Children's Services.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Children’s Services relative to the May 2016 early years strategy impact evaluation report which was the third in a series of formative self-evaluations of the impact of Renfrewshire’s “Families First” Early Years strategy. The evaluation commenced in December 2015 and was completed in April 2016.

The early years implementation plan had produced 57 actions and these were detailed in the appendix section of the evaluation report. Telephone interviews were conducted with the lead officers responsible for the 57 actions and this helped to inform the impact which the strategy was having on parenting skills and wellbeing; attachment and child wellbeing; and professional skills, structures and services.

It was proposed that regular reports, including statistics on the success of the project, be submitted to this LAC. This was agreed.


(a) That the contents and conclusions on the May 2016 Impact Evaluation Report be noted; and

(b) That regular reports, including statistics on the success of the project, be submitted to this LAC.
Presentation by the Project Director.
M Scott, Paisley 2021 Bid Development Manager, gave a presentation on progress made on the Paisley 2021 City of Culture bid project.

DECIDED: That the presentation be noted.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to project feedback received from community and voluntary groups in receipt of LAC funding.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the Johnstone & The Villages LAC budget for 2016/17.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.
There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to two applications for local area committee funding.

DECIDED: That the applications for funding be determined as follows:-

Johnstone Business Consortium – Xmas market and events – awarded £2,500

Lochwinnoch Art Group – engaging three tutors and holding art exhibitions – awarded £499
The next meeting of the Johnstone & The Villages LAC will be held at 6.00 pm on 16 February 2017 in Johnstone Town Hall.
It was noted that the next meeting of this LAC would be held in Johnstone Town Hall at 6.00 pm on 16 February 2017.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor John Caldwell 
Councillor Stephen McGee 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting