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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Planning & Property Policy Board
8 Nov 2016 - 15:00 to 17:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Members of the Press and Public
Members of the press and public wishing to attend the meeting should report to the customer service centre where they will be met and directed to the meeting.
Further Information
This is a meeting which is open to members of the public. 

A copy of the agenda and reports for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley and online at

For further information, please either email or telephone 0141 618 7112.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
Councillor B Brown declared a non-financial interest in relation to item 14 (planning application A7) as his daughter worked at the Good Shepherd Centre and indicated his intention to remain at the meeting during consideration of this item.

Conduct pre-determination hearing in relation to the following planning application:

16/0594/PP - EPIC Ltd/Elderslie Estates and Hallam Land Management: Land between Dunvegan Avenue and Gleniffer House, Glenpatrick Road, Elderslie, Johnstone - Erection of residential development (in principle).


Planning application reference 16/0594/PP – EPIC Ltd/Elderslie Estates and Hallam Land Management: Land Between Dunvegan Avenue and Gleniffer House, Glenpatrick Road, Elderslie, Johnstone – Erection of residential development (in principle).


The Convener invited the Head of Planning & Housing Services to provide an overview of the purpose of the pre-determination hearing and the procedure to be followed.  The Head of Planning & Housing Services advised that the purpose of the pre-determination hearing was to hear from the applicant and objectors in relation to the above application, as it was considered a major development which was significantly contrary to the development plan. It was noted that it was a mandatory requirement under section 38A of the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 and the related Development Management Regulations to hold a pre-determination hearing for such applications.   


The Head of Planning & Housing Services referred to the procedure for conducting the hearing, a copy of which had been included with the agenda for the meeting, and explained the order in which the parties would be heard. He reminded elected members present that they should not express any views on the application, which would be submitted to a future meeting of the Council.


There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services in summary of the application.   


The Convener invited the applicant and then the other parties to make their representations on the application to the Board. The applicant was given an opportunity to respond to the points raised during the representations and the elected members were given the opportunity to ask questions on factual matters or to seek guidance.


The Convener thanked everyone for their participation in the hearing.   


DECIDED: That the representations be noted.



Joint report by the Directors of Finance & Resources, Community Resources and Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a joint revenue budget monitoring report by the Directors of Finance & Resources, Community Resources and Development & Housing Services for the Planning and Property & Construction Services Divisions for the period 1 April to 16 September 2016.




(a) That the budget position be noted; and


(b) That it be noted that there had been budget realignments of £68,378 processed since the last report which primarily related to rates realignment and Corporate Landlord Maintenance.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a capital budget monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources for the Planning Service and Corporate Projects (Property) Divisions for the period 1 April to 16 September 2016.


DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted an update report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the request for a Community Asset Transfer received from Paisley West & Central Community Council.




(a) That the Head of Property Services be authorised to continue discussions with Paisley West & Central Community Council regarding their proposal to create a Community Garden within the site of the former Child Guidance Centre, Carbrook Street, Paisley, in order to agree terms and conditions as considered necessary by the Heads of Property Services and Corporate Governance to protect the Council’s interests;


(b) That it be noted that the Council had received this request and was treating it as a Stage 1 application in terms of the Council’s existing Community Asset Transfer policy; and


(c) That it be noted that the Board could anticipate that it would be asked to consider a future Stage 2 application for this site at a later date.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources seeking consent to dispose of the property at 16 Thornhill, Johnstone, as detailed on the plan appended to the report, to the existing commercial tenant.  




(a) That it be agreed to dispose of the commercial property at 16 Thornhill, Johnstone, subject to the Housing & Community Safety Policy Board declaring the property surplus at its meeting on 8 November 2016;


(b) That it be agreed that the property would be sold to the existing tenant, Mr Wai Yin Lee, on the provisionally agreed terms and conditions which had been negotiated by the Head of Property Services and were detailed within the report; and


(c) That it be noted that in accordance with recent changes to the Scottish Ministers’ consent when disposing of HRA Assets, this disposal would be under the General Consent available and would be self certified by the Council.
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources seeking consent to lease the 1st Floor South of Renfrewshire House, as detailed in the plan appended to the report, to the Care Inspectorate.




(a) That the grant of a lease of the 1st Floor South of Renfrewshire House to the Care Inspectorate be agreed on the provisional terms and conditions detailed within the report; and


(b) That the Heads of Property Services and Corporate Governance be authorised to conclude a lease of this office space protecting the Council’s remaining interest in the building.



Joint report by the Directors of Finance & Resources and Children's Services.

Under reference to item 8 of the Minute of the meeting of the Education & Children Policy Board held on 12 May 2016, there was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Resources relative to the identification of a suitable site for the development of a Closed Support Unit.




(a) That the transfer of the 0.69ha (1.71 acres) plot of land, as detailed on the plan (E2515A) appended to the report, to Children’s Services to facilitate the development of a Closed Support Unit be approved;


(b) That a further transfer from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to General Services be approved, in terms of the 0.22ha (0.55 acres) plot as detailed on the plan (E2515A) appended to the report, which was held on the HRA account;


(c) That it be noted that in accordance with the recent changes to the Scottish Ministers’ consent when transferring HRA Assets to General Services, this proposed transfer would be under the General Consent available and would be self certified by the Council;


(d) That the withdrawal of the 0.69ha (1.71 acres) site from the open market be noted; and


(e) That it be noted that this proposal would result in a reduced potential capital receipt in respect of any future site disposal for the remaining land which measured 3.1ha (7.66 acres).
Report by the Director of Finance & Resources.

Under reference to item 5 of the Minute of the meeting of the Board held on 11 November 2014, there was submitted an update report by the Director of Finance & Resources on the achievements of the Carbon Management Plan (CMP).


The report intimated that in the CMP, Renfrewshire Council’s 2019/20 target equated to a reduction of 36% from the baseline position.  Current progress after 2015/16 showed a reduction of 20.4%, which was considerably more than anticipated.  The report detailed how this had been achieved and highlighted that a multi-disciplinary Working Group within Property Services had been created to review and update the Sustainable Building Design Guide that formed part of the CMP Appendix.  The updated guide would be completed and included in the next CMP update report.


DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to the Development Plan Scheme 2016.


The Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 required Local Planning Authorities to prepare an annual Development Plan Scheme which set out the programme for preparing and reviewing their Local Development Plan and a participation statement indicating when, how and with whom consultation on the plan would take place.  The Renfrewshire LDP was adopted on 28 August 2014 and the Development Plan Scheme, a copy of which was appended to the report, set out the stages for preparing each new LDP as well as a timetable and method for engaging people in its preparation.  The timetable as set out on page six of the Development Plan Scheme outlined the significant amount of consultation and engagement that had and would take place before any new or revised plan, policies or strategies were produced.  This was in line with Scottish Planning Policy, ensuring effective engagement and consultation right from the start of the Development Plan process.


DECIDED: That the updated Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement be approved.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

Under reference to item 6 (a) of the Minute of the meeting of the Board held on 11 November 2014, there was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to the statutory appeals that had been submitted to the Court of Session in relation to the Renfrewshire Local Development Plan (LDP).


The report intimated that an appeal submitted by Mr Stuart McGregor in relation to the provision of sites for Gypsy/Travellers was heard in the Council of Session on 28 and 29 September 2016.  Having taken advice on the matter from Senior Counsel, it was agreed that to allow an appropriate assessment of the land using planning implications of Gypsy/Traveller proposals, a non-statutory planning framework should be prepared providing further guidance and advice within the context of the Adopted Renfrewshire LDP.  The proposed planning advice note was appended to the report.


DECIDED: That the Gypsy/Traveller and Travelling Show-people planning advice note be approved.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

Under reference to item 10 of the Minute of the meeting of the Board held on 26 January 2016, there was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to the finalised town centre strategy for Johnstone.


The report intimated that the finalised town centre strategy for Johnstone, a copy of which was appended to the report, reflected the opinions and representations submitted during the consultation exercise and outlined the role of Johnstone town centre, its strengths and potential for future enhancement.  The delivery of actions identified within the strategy would require actions and activity by a range of partners including local community representatives, key stakeholders, Community Planning Partners and external funding bodies.  Within this context, the Council would identify opportunities and seek to use relevant mechanisms to ensure implementation of the actions.  Delivery of the actions within the strategy would be monitored and reported to the Board as appropriate and the strategy document would be reviewed on a two-yearly cycle.


The report highlighted that finalised strategies for Erskine, Renfrew, Linwood and Braehead would be presented to the Board throughout 2017.


Councillor Andy Doig, seconded by Councillor Audrey Doig, moved that an additional bullet point be added to the Key Actions of Theme 2 - Town Centre Environment to:


“Encourage community groups to work in partnership to apply for Purple Flag Status for Johnstone.” This was agreed.




(a) That the town centre strategy for Johnstone be approved; and


(b) That an additional bullet point be added under Key Actions of Theme 2 – Town Centre Environment to “encourage community groups to work in partnership to apply for Purple Flag Status for Johnstone.”
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to progress to deliver the Service Improvement Plan 2016/19.  The report detailed key achievements over the period 1 April to 30 September 2016; provided a progress update on the implementation of the action plan linked to the 2016/17 Service Improvement Plan; an assessment of performance in relation to the service scorecard of core performance indicators; and an overview of priorities for the service over the next six months.




(a) That the progress made by the service on actions and performance related to the Board be noted; and


(b) That it be noted that an out-turn report would be provided to the Board in spring 2017.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to performance in respect of planning applications and related matters for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2016/17.


DECIDED: That the performance statistics for the Development Management function for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2, as detailed in the appendix to the report, be noted.
Planning Applications
Members must deal with planning applications in an objective manner to ensure that they cannot be challenged with accusations of bias or predetermination. Votes on planning applications must be seen to be impartial and not influenced by party political issues.
Report by the Director of Development & Housing Services.

There was submitted a report by the Director of Development & Housing Services relative to  applications for planning permission that required to be determined by the Board.


(a) 16/0639/PP – Ward 1: Full Planning Permission: Erection of residential development comprising 120 flats with associated roads, drainage and landscaping: Land at North West end of, King’s Inch Road, Renfrew: Robertson Homes Limited



DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report and a section 69 agreement.


(b) 16/0612/PP – Ward 4: Full Planning Permission: Erection of residential development comprising 116 dwellinghouses and 66 flats including roads, footpaths, open space and associated works: Site on South Eastern boundary of junction with Fleming Street, New Inchinnan Road, Paisley: Keepmoat Homes & Clowes Development


DECIDED: That the application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons detailed within the report.


(c) 16/0644/PP – Ward 4: Renewal of Planning Consent (In Principle): Regulation 11 renewal application of approval 13/0431/PP, for residential development with associated car parking, landscaping and vehicular and pedestrian access (in principle): Football Ground, St Mirren Football Club, Love Street, Paisley, PA3 2EA: SC TS Scotland Limited




(i) That the Board be disposed to grant the application subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report; and


(ii) That the application be referred to the Scottish Ministers as a result of the Health and Safety Executive advising against development. 


(d) 16/0423/PP – Ward 9: Planning Permission in Principle: Erection of a retail store including new access, petrol filling station and cycle hub: Site at Whitelint Gate, Johnstone Road, Bridge of Weir: Paterson Partners


DECIDED: That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1. The proposal does not accord with the Spatial Development Strategy and related Spatial Frameworks of the approved Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan and Clydeplan's Strategic Development Plan Proposed Plan 2016 in terms of its location and development compatibility and therefore fails to support the Spatial Vision of the Plan.


2. The proposal is contrary to Policy ENV 1 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan in that it would result in development within the designated Green Belt without appropriate justification and due to its location and scale would not be commensurate with the aims of maintaining the identity of settlements and protecting and enhancing the landscape setting of an area.


3. The proposal is contrary to the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan New Development Supplementary Guidance - Delivering the Environment Strategy as it does not require a specific green belt location and does not maintain or support an established activity which is suitable in the green belt. The proposal would thereby introduce an inappropriate form of development into the Green Belt, result in an unacceptable erosion of the Green Belt and result in an adverse and detrimental impact on its character.


4. The proposal is contrary to Policy C2 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan as it has not been demonstrated that the development will contribute to the area without impacting on the vitality and viability of the centres within the network, that there are other more appropriate sites for a development of this nature, that the proposal would tackle deficiencies in qualitative and quantitative terms that cannot be met in other centres and that the development will not impact on the function, character and amenity of the surrounding area and that due to its scale and location, the proposed development would undermine the Spatial Strategy of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan.


(e) 16/0571/PP – Ward 9: Planning Permission in Principle: Erection of residential development (in principle): Site at Whitelint Gate, Johnstone Road, Bridge of Weir: Paterson Partners & Barratt/David Wilson Homes


DECIDED: That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1. The proposal does not accord with the Spatial Development Strategy and related Spatial Frameworks of the approved Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan and Clydeplan's Strategic Development Plan Proposed Plan 2016 in terms of its location and development compatibility and therefore fails to support the Spatial Vision of the Plan.


2. The proposal is contrary to Policy ENV 1 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan in that it would result in development within the designated Green Belt without appropriate justification and due to its location and scale would not be commensurate with the aims of maintaining the identity of settlements and protecting and enhancing the landscape setting of an area.


3. The proposal is contrary to the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan New Development Supplementary Guidance - Delivering the Environment Strategy as it does not require a specific green belt location and does not maintain or support an established activity which is suitable in the green belt. The proposal would thereby introduce an inappropriate form of development into the Green Belt, result in an unacceptable erosion of the Green Belt and result in an adverse and detrimental impact on its character.


4. The proposal is contrary to Policy P2 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and the Housing Land Supply Supplementary Guidance 2015, and due to its scale and location, the proposed development would undermine the Spatial Strategy of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan. The proposal would thereby introduce an inappropriate form of development into the Green Belt, result in an unacceptable erosion of the Green Belt and result in an adverse and detrimental impact on its character.




Councillor B Brown, having previously declared a non-financial interest in the following item of business, remained in the meeting for this item.





(f) 16/0568/PP – Ward 10: Planning Permission in Principle: Erection of residential development (in principle): Residential School Accommodation, The Good Shepherd Centre, Greenock Road, Bishopton, PA7 5PF: The Good Shepherd Centre


DECIDED: That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1. The proposal does not accord with the Spatial Development Strategy and related Spatial Frameworks of the approved Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan and Clydeplan's Strategic Development Plan Proposed Plan 2016 in terms of its location and development compatibility and therefore fails to support the Spatial Vision of the Plan.


2. The proposal is contrary to the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan New Development Supplementary Guidance - Delivering the Environment Strategy as it does not require a specific green belt location and does not maintain or support an established activity which is suitable in the green belt. The proposal would thereby introduce an inappropriate form of development into the Green Belt, result in an unacceptable erosion of the Green Belt and result in an adverse and detrimental impact on its character.


3. The proposal is contrary to Policy ENV1 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and New Development Supplementary Guidance, and due to its scale and location, the proposed development would undermine the Spatial Strategy of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan. The proposal would thereby introduce an inappropriate form of development into the Green Belt, result in an unacceptable erosion of the Green Belt and result in an adverse and detrimental impact on its character.


4. The proposal is contrary to Policy P2 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and the Housing Land Supply Supplementary Guidance 2015, and due to its scale and location, the proposed development would undermine the Spatial Strategy of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan. The proposal would thereby introduce an inappropriate form of development into the Green Belt, result in an unacceptable erosion of the Green Belt and result in an adverse and detrimental impact on its character.
Councillors B Brown, Caldwell, E Devine, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Gilmour, Hood, Kelly, J MacLaren, K MacLaren, McGurk, Murrin, Nicolson, Perrie and M Sharkey.
Councillor Kelly, Convener, presided.
In Attendance
M Crearie, Director of Development & Housing Services; F Carlin, Head of Planning & Housing Services, D Bryce, Development Standards Manager, K Dalrymple, Development Plans and Housing Strategy Team Leader and S Marklow, Assistant Manager - Policy (all Development & Housing Services); and J Lynch, Head of Property Services, M Conaghan, Legal and Democratic Services Manager, C Thorpe, Corporate Asset/Energy Manager, V Howie, Finance Business Partner, F Hughes, Asset Manager, N Young, Assistant Managing Solicitor (Litigation and Advice), R Devine, Senior Committee Services Officer and K Brown, Committee Services Officer (all Finance & Resources).
Also In Attendance for the Pre-Determination Hearing

Planning Application 16/0594/PP:


E Moore (representing EPIC Ltd/Elderslie Estates and Hallam Land Management), G Laing (representing Lambert Smith Hampton), D Wadsworth (representing Elderslie Community Council), R Craig and J Kennedy.
Order of Business
In terms of Standing Order 16, the Convener intimated that he proposed to alter the order of business to facilitate the conduct of the meeting by considerating item 14 (planning application 16/0655/PP) of the agenda prior to item 2 of the agenda.
Planning Application 16/0655/PP

16/0655/PP – Ward 4: Full Planning Permission: Erection of part single storey, part two storey immigration holding facility (Class 8) with associated access, hard standing, fence, gate and landscaping: Former Clansman Club, Abbotsinch Road, Paisley: Arora Management Services Limited


The Convener advised that a directive had been received from the Scottish Government in relation to this planning application.  A copy of the directive was issued to all members and the Head of Planning & Housing Services summarised the main points of the directive.


Councillor E Devine, seconded by Councillor Gilmour, moved that the application be refused for the following reason:


The proposal would be contrary to Policy E2 and E5 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan, in that it would be detrimental to the economic development of the Glasgow Airport Investment Area, and because of its location within a commercial/industrial area with attendant noise, activity and disturbance would introduce an inappropriate use; and would not provide an acceptable level of amenity to prospective occupants.


Councillor Nicolson, seconded by Councillor McGurk, moved as an amendment that the application be refused on the following grounds:


1. There has been no established identifiable ‘functional link’ demonstrated to the satisfaction of this Board between the proposed use and Glasgow Airport operations.  Therefore the application fails to demonstrate ‘a site specific locational need’ contrary to Policy E2 and E5.


2. The application is contrary to Policy E5 ‘Glasgow Airport Operation Land’ in that within the operational land and land surrounding the airport there will be a presumption in favour of uses associated with the operational functions of the airport, or uses which are compatible and do not compromise the airport functionality.


3. That the proposed development is contrary to Policy ENV2 in that significant mature tree cover will be lost from the site at an unacceptable level and the applicant has not demonstrated any significant steps or effort to retain on site to the detriment of visual amenity of the area and bio-diversity.


4. That the proposed development is contrary to the New Development SG on Natural Heritage and on trees, woodland and Forestry which considers that natural heritage assets, including trees, should be protected where they make an important contribution to the local character, identity and quality of an area.


5. The proposed development is contrary to Policy E5 Glasgow Airport Operational Land, in that the development proposals will have a significant adverse impact on the infrastructure of the airport or surrounding environment.




6. The proposed development is contrary to Policy E2 Glasgow Airport Investment Zone; in that it does not support economic growth or the operational requirements of the airport.


7. The applicant has failed to demonstrate evidence to the satisfaction of this Board that the facility falls within the uses Class 8 (a) criteria of a ‘Short Term Holding Facility’ and that will be the sole use to which the facility will be utilised for.


8. The scale and massing of the proposed building in this particular site constitutes an overdevelopment which is detrimental to the visual amenity and surrounding environment with regards to design and layout.


In terms of Standing Order 27, the terms of the amendment were accepted as an addition to the motion by the mover and seconder of the motion. The motion as amended was then agreed unanimously.


DECIDED: That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1. The proposal would be contrary to Policy E2 and E5 of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan, in that it would be detrimental to the economic development of the Glasgow Airport Investment Area, and because of its location within a commercial/industrial area with attendant noise, activity and disturbance would introduce an inappropriate use; and would not provide an acceptable level of amenity to prospective occupants.


2. There has been no established identifiable ‘functional link’ demonstrated to the satisfaction of this Board between the proposed use and Glasgow Airport operations.  Therefore the application fails to demonstrate ‘a site specific locational need’ contrary to Policy E2 and E5.


3. The application is contrary to Policy E5 ‘Glasgow Airport Operation Land’ in that within the operational land and land surrounding the airport there will be a presumption in favour of uses associated with the operational functions of the airport, or uses which are compatible and do not compromise the airport functionality.


4. That the proposed development is contrary to Policy ENV2 in that significant mature tree cover will be lost from the site at an unacceptable level and the applicant has not demonstrated any significant steps or effort to retain on site to the detriment of visual amenity of the area and bio-diversity.


5. That the proposed development is contrary to the New Development SG on Natural Heritage and on trees, woodland and Forestry which considers that natural heritage assets, including trees, should be protected where they make an important contribution to the local character, identity and quality of an area.


6. The proposed development is contrary to Policy E5 Glasgow Airport Operational Land, in that the development proposals will have a significant adverse impact on the infrastructure of the airport or surrounding environment.


7. The proposed development is contrary to Policy E2 Glasgow Airport Investment Zone; in that it does not support economic growth or the operational requirements of the airport.



8. The applicant has failed to demonstrate evidence to the satisfaction of this Board that the facility falls within the uses Class 8 (a) criteria of a ‘Short Term Holding Facility’ and that will be the sole use to which the facility will be utilised for.


9. The scale and massing of the proposed building in this particular site constitutes an overdevelopment which is detrimental to the visual amenity and surrounding environment with regards to design and layout.
The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m. and reconvened at 4.10 p.m.
Councillors J MacLaren and Murrin were not present when the meeting reconvened.
Councillor J MacLaren re-entered the meeting during consideration of the following item.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Bill Brown14 (A7)Councillor B Brown declared a non-financial interest in relation to item 14 (planning application A7) as his daughter worked at the Good Shepherd Centre and indicated his intention to remain at the meeting during consideration of this item.Non-PecuniaryRemained in the meeting


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