There was submitted a report by the Head of Planning & Health Improvement, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to an update on the progress of Brighter Renfrewshire Alcohol Awareness Week (BRAW).
The report advised of the BRAW activities to date and that BRAW was now a recognisable brand with an associated logo and campaign materials. Renfrewshire ADP had allocated funding to develop a Festive BRAW campaign to highlight alcohol awareness messages. Festive BRAW would focus on the development of health information resources for distribution throughout Renfrewshire, rather than granting funding to local groups or services.
The report intimated that Renfrewshire Licensing Board had proposed extending the terminal hours for sales of alcohol over the festive period 2016. As a statutory consultee, Renfrewshire HSCP had responded highlighting concerns relating to the extension of terminal hours and to the increase in alcohol consumption associated with increased availability. The HSCP response specified that extensions to the availability of alcohol via the extension to terminal hours was incongruent with initiatives which aimed to reduce the harms caused by excess alcohol consumption such as BRAW and the Safe Bus. The letter was attached as an appendix to this report.
Discussion took place on targets and performance and the adverse effect that the proposed extension of terminal hours would have over the festive period on people’s health and wellbeing. It was agreed that a letter would be written to the Licensing Board asking for an opportunity to present to the Board. It was also agreed that the performance indicators and the community level awareness of alcohol would be put on the agenda for the next cycle of Local Area Committee meetings.
(a) That the BRAW update be noted;
(b) That the Board’s representation to Renfrewshire Licensing Board relating to the Festive Terminal Hours as contained within the appendix to the report, be agreed;
(c) That it be agreed that the Board write to Renfrewshire Licensing Board to ask for an opportunity to present on the harm caused by excess alcohol consumption; and
(d) That it be agreed that Renfrewshire HSCP and Police Scotland prepare a joint report/presentation for submission to the next cycle of Local Area Committees.