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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Social Work, Health & Well-being Policy Board
3 Nov 2015 - 13:00 to 14:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
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Councillors Bibby, M Brown, Cameron, Gilmour, Glen, Harte, Henry, Hood, I McMillan, M MacLaren, McCartin, McEwan and J Sharkey.
Councillor I McMillan, Convener, presided.
In Attendance
P Macleod, Director of Children's Services; D Leese, Chief Officer, S Lavers, Chief Finance Officer, I Beattie, Acting Head of Adult Services and K Phillips, Head of Mental Health, Addictions and Learning Disability Services (all Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership); A McMillan, Head of Resources and P McCulloch, Joint Service Manager (both Children’s Services); and D Forbes, Finance Manager and E Currie, Senior Committee Services Officer (both Finance & Resources).

Prior to the start of the meeting the Convener welcomed Councillor M MacLaren to her first meeting of the Social Work, Health & Well-being Policy Board.
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Councillor McGee.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Joint report by the Chief Finance Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership and Director of Finance & Resources.
There was submitted a joint revenue budget monitoring report by the Directors of Finance & Resources and Children’s Services for Social Work for the period 1 April to 18 September, 2015.


(a) That the budget position be noted; and

(b) That it be noted that there had been net budget realignments of £115,004 processed since the last report. These were primarily related to transfers to the corporate landlord, the reallocation of previously agreed savings and the transfer of Citizens Advice Bureau funding to Miscellaneous Services.
Report by Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
There was submitted a capital budget monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources for Social Work for the period 1 April to18 September, 2015.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
Under reference to item 7 of the Minute of the meeting of this Board held on 19 May, 2015 there was submitted a report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to the inspection of registered adult social care services by the Care Inspectorate.

The report intimated that social care services had been subject historically to a range of in-depth and rigorous inspections. Renfrewshire Council currently provided 15 registered services which were subject to inspection, five learning disability services; eight older adult services; and two other registered services.

These services would be assessed against four themes: quality of care and support; environment; staffing; and management and leadership, and would be awarded gradings of one to six with one being unsatisfactory and six being excellent. The report summarised the latest inspections.

DECIDED: That the strong performance of the adult social care registered services, with all services graded as good, very good or excellent for quality of care and support be noted.

Report by Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to progress on the Social Work Adult Services Risk Management Plan 2015/16 approved at the meeting of this Board held on 19 May, 2015. The complete risk register showing risks, planned actions and progress was appended to the report.

It was proposed that a presentation on self-directed support be arranged for elected members in December 2015.  This was agreed.


(a) That the progress being made by the partnership in the management of the risks identified be noted;

(b) That it be noted that as from 1 April, 2016 monitoring of risks in adult social care would be the responsibility of the Integration Joint Board; and

(c) That a presentation on self-directed support be arranged for elected members in December 2015.
Report by Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to the Service Improvement Plan Monitoring Report for Social Work detailing performance over the period April to October 2015.

The Service Improvement Plan was a comprehensive statement of the outcomes the service aimed to achieve and the actions it would take to achieve these.

It was proposed that a detailed report be submitted to the next meeting of this Board relative to timescales involved in adaptations being carried out once a client had been assessed by an occupational therapist.  This was agreed. 


(a) That the progress that had been made on service performance be noted;

(b) That it be noted that responsibility for adult social care services would be delegated to the Integration Joint Board by 1 April, 2016; and

(c) That a detailed report be submitted to the next meeting of this Policy Board relative to timescales involved in adaptations being carried out once a client had been assessed by an occupational therapist.

Report by Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
Under reference to item 3 of page 12 of the Minute of the meeting of this Board held on 19 August, 2014 there was submitted a report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to progress made on the 11 recommendations within the Renfrewshire Autism Strategy and seeking approval to develop the strategy further. A copy of the Autism Strategy Work Plan formed the appendix to the report.

The report intimated that an important aim of the Renfrewshire Autism Strategy was to build capacity within Renfrewshire for children and adults with autism to live full and meaningful lives through improved access to information, advice, support and services.

It was recognised that there remained a need to engage with a wider group of stakeholders including carers and people diagnosed with autism. A public event aimed at publicising the strategy, increasing awareness of autism and attracting wider ownership of the autism agenda would now be held in January 2016.


(a) That the progress made to date in the implementation of the Renfrewshire Autism Strategy be noted;
(b) That the improvements made to services be noted; and

(c) That the better opportunities being created for children and adults with autism across Renfrewshire be noted.


Councillor Cameron left the meeting during consideration of the following item of business.
Report by Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to the new Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership senior management structure approved by the Integration Joint Board at its meeting held on 18 September, 2015.

The report intimated that the structure would provide the required arrangements for the effective and proper delivery of the Integration Joint Board’s delegated functions in line with The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.


(a) That it be noted that the Chief Officer, in consultation with the Chair of the Integration Joint Board, would implement the new Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership senior management structure, as detailed in the appendix to the report, by 1 April, 2016; and

(b) That the proposed clinical and care governance arrangements which would ensure sufficient professional oversight for services provided through the proposed Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership be noted.
Report by Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
Under reference to item 3 of the Minute of the meeting of this Board held on 18 August, 2015 there was submitted a report by the Chief Officer, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to the work being undertaken to prepare for the practical implementation of the integrated working arrangements in relation to the establishment of the Integration Joint Board; the development and approval of the Integrated Joint Board’s Strategic Plan which would set out the arrangements for carrying out the delegated functions; the structured programme of work to manage the development of the Strategic Plan and other key elements of integration, which the Council and the Health Board committed to in Renfrewshire’s Integration Scheme; the financial governance arrangements for the Integration Joint Board which must be in place by 1 April, 2016; and the agreement of the baseline 2016/17 budget for delegated functions to align with the Strategic Plan and which has been subject to due diligence process.


(a) That it be noted that the first meeting of the legally established Integration Joint Board took place on 18 September, 2015 where members ratified the appointment of the Chief Officer and Chief Finance Officer and formally established the Strategic Planning Group. The Integration Joint Board also agreed a number of procedural arrangements, strategies and policies in line with key legislative requirements set out in Renfrewshire’s Integration Scheme;

(b) That the work being undertaken to ensure the Integration Joint Board develops and approves their Strategic Plan by 1 April, 2016 be noted;

(c) That the update on the structured programme of work which was being taken forward to manage the local implementation of health and social care services up to April 2016 be noted; and

(d) That the current status and planned action in relation to the development of sound financial governance arrangements for the Integration Joint Board and agreeing the baseline budget for delegated functions by 1 April, 2016 be noted.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Stephen McGee 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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