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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Social Work, Health & Well-being Policy Board
18 Aug 2015 - 13:00 to 14:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
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Councillors McEwan, J Sharkey, Glen, Cameron, Henry, McCartin, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Andy Doig, Gilmour, M Brown and Harte.
Councillor I McMillan, Convener, presided.
In Attendance
P Macleod, Director of Children's Services; D Leese, Chief Officer Designate and I Beattie, Acting Head of Adult Services (both Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership); A McMillan, Head of Resources (Children's Services); and D Forbes, Finance Manager and D Low, Senior Committee Services Officer (both Finance & Resources).
Items Of Business
Apologies from members.
Councillor McGee.
Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare an interest in any item(s) on the agenda and to provide a brief explanation of the nature of the interest.
There were no declarations of interest intimated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Report by Directors of Finance & Resources and Children's Services.
There was submitted a joint revenue budget monitoring report by the Directors of Finance & Resources and Children’s Services for Social Work for the period 1 April to 26 June, 2015.


(a) That the budget position be noted; and

(b) That it be noted that there had been no budget realignments processed since the budget had been approved.
Report by Director of Finance & Resources.
There was submitted a capital budget monitoring report by the Director of Finance & Resources for Social Work for the period 1 April to 26 June, 2015.

DECIDED: That the report be noted.
Report by Chief Officer Designate, Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership.
Under reference to item 3 of the Minute of the meeting of this Board held on 19 May, 2015 there was submitted a report by the Chief Officer Designate, Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership relative to the work being undertaken to prepare for the practical implementation of the integrated working arrangements in relation to the establishment of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) including the development of the Strategic Plan for approval by the IJB and the establishment of a Strategic Planning Group (SPG); the structured programme of work to manage the development of the Strategic Plan and other key elements of integration, which the Council and the Health Board committed to in Renfrewshire’s Integration Scheme; and the financial governance arrangements for the IJB including the appointment of the Chief Finance Officer.

Councillor I McMillan, seconded by Councillor Bibby moved that the formal legal establishment of the Integration Joint Board on 27 June, 2015 be noted; that the work being undertaken to develop the Strategic Plan for approval by the Integration Joint Board and the establishment of a Strategic Planning Group be noted; that the structured programme of work which was being taken forward to manage the local implementation of health and social care services up to April 2016 be noted; and that the current status and planned action in relation to the development of sound financial governance arrangements for the Integration Joint Board by 1 April, 2016, including the appointment of the Chief Finance Officer, be noted.

Councillor McEwan, seconded by Councillor M Brown, moved as an amendment that in view of the significant changes to Social Work service delivery in relation to Self Directed Support, the Social Work, Health and Well-being Policy Board should provide 6 weekly update reports for all Councillors, on service problems and finance issues regarding Self Directed Support.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors McEwan, Cameron, McCartin, Andy Doig and M Brown.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors J Sharkey, Glen, Henry, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour and Harte.

5 members having voted for the amendment and 8 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That the formal legal establishment of the Integration Joint Board on 27 June, 2015 be noted;

(b) That the work being undertaken to develop the Strategic Plan for approval by the Integration Joint Board and the establishment of a Strategic Planning Group be noted;

(c) That the structured programme of work which was being taken forward to manage the local implementation of health and social care services up to April 2016 be noted; and

(d) That the current status and planned action in relation to the development of sound financial governance arrangements for the Integration Joint Board by 1 April, 2016, including the appointment of the Chief Finance Officer, be noted.
Report by Chief Officer Designate, Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Officer Designate, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership relative to an opportunity for Renfrewshire Council, the Health and Social Care Partnership and West College Scotland to work together to deliver a pre-employment programme which would provide learning opportunities within the College combined with a programme of work placement experience and job shadowing within the Renfrewshire Care at Home service.

West College had secured funding from Skills Development Scotland to deliver this employability programme and it was hoped that it would meet the dual aims of increasing participant employability and provide a source of work-ready social care staff for the Renfrewshire area.

The report proposed that a pilot project take place in the Health and Social Care Partnership Care at Home service. Approximately 15 participants would commence West College in the Autumn term and Renfrewshire officers would ensure that the participants were provided with induction training into the Care at Home service and that they operated in accordance with the service’s policies and procedures. At the end of the programme the participants would be offered interviews for social care posts with the Council. If the pilot was successful, West College hoped to secure further funding to consolidate and extend the programme within Renfrewshire. A sample programme formed Appendix 1 to the report and the programme for the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde pilot programme in the Royal Alexandra Hospital site commencing in January 2016 formed Appendix 2 to the report.

DECIDED: That the partnership between the Council, the Health and Social Care Partnership and West College to provide employability opportunities in social care, as detailed in the report, be approved.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
Councillor Stephen McGee 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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