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Business - Renfrewshire Council
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Joint Consultative Board (Non-Teaching)

Committee Details
The purpose of this Board is to act as a forum for consultation between the Council and the trades unions representing all non-teaching employees on employment/service conditions matters which are not specifically determined by their respective national negotiating bodies; to secure the greatest possible measures of joint action between the Council and the trades unions for the development and improvement of the work of the Council; to consider any reference from the Council or the trade union side on matters affecting the mutual interests of the Council and its employees and to make recommendations thereon to the appropriate Board of the Council; to consider measures for safeguarding the health and welfare of the Council's employees. The JCB will not consider questions of individual appointment or other matters which are more properly the province of the Council's grievance or disciplinary procedures. For further information please contact Julie Barron on 0141 487 1100 email: and
17 May 2012 - onwards
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information
  • Terms of Reference


Committee Membership Filters
PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Scottish National Party
Councillor Fiona Airlie-Nicolson Depute Convener 08/06/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Audrey Doig Convener 08/06/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Chris Gilmour Member 01/07/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes Member 08/06/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Sam Mullin Member 01/07/2022 - current
Committee Clerk
Julie Barron

Other Information